Hackathon - Hack4Community - Building a simple web app with mobile view for upcoming Silicon Mountain Premier Conference.

Hackathon – Code4Community – building Q & A app for Silicon Mountain Premeir Conference

Conference date: 20th of June 2015
Hackathon date: 6th of June 2015
Conference will comprise of 3 main parts
– Keynote speeches to review where we are as a community
– Presentations of projects organized to take the community ahead on our next year’s goal of building great products that when showcased on www.madeinbuea.cm, will make us proud
– A Question and Answer session to clear all doubts about projects, individuals, organizations, etc in the community
How Q & A Session will run
1. Everyone accesses a Q & A web app over local wifi through a browser
2. No need to log in, because identity is by choice
3. The app has 2 clear features, a post feature and a question stream feature
4. The post feature has 3 fields. Name of person or organization questioned, question, name of questioner.
5. The 3rd field is by default anonymous
6. Once a question is asked, it is added to the bottom of the questions stream.
7. Each question in the question stream can be upvoted by everyone.
8. Most upvoted questions come first, and if two questions have the same number of upvotes, the first question to be asked is goes up.
9. The questions are projected to a wall from a laptop with a projector.
10. A selected question is chosen to stand out as an overlay by someone at the laptop
11. A moderator reads aloud the top question and asks if the questioned will like to answer it.
12. If he answers, the question is selected question is archived as answered, else it is archived as not answered
13. The next question is asked
14. After all questions are asked, if there is more time, unanswered archived questions can be pulled out.
We will be building an app to handle these functionalities. It will be a simple web app, running on a local server in the hall, accessible by phones on the browser with a IP address url.
Please ask any questions. In the main time, I’ll create an event page for the hackathon.

Please propose ideas on technologies, UI, etc for the app as posts and comments. By Friday 2pm, the proposals we have will be used. Make sure you consider skills around the community when making your proposals. Speed is a key factor